10 Ways to Say ‘No’ to Alcohol in Any Scenario

In a group of people, either at wedding events, college night outs, or simply a get-together with friends, alcohol has to be involved in these social scenes. However, this might not be the case for you since you are in recovery at New Horizon Counseling Center, you have decided to stay sober during the weekend, or maybe it is a personal decision to stay away from drinking alcohol.

Most of us find it hard to say ‘No’ when in such a position since most of the people you are hanging out with have probably seen you drink in the past, so this may seem awkward. Here are ten tips to say ‘No’’to alcohol in such a scenario.


Create an Excuse for yourself

A time you can find yourself being upfront about why you have decided not to drink. However, this should not always be the case.

No one is obligated to know your decision. Therefore it won’t harm you if you choose to bring up some lies for your sake to avoid your friend questioning your decision. This will be easy for you and a polite way to turn down the drink. Here are some of the excuses you can give:

  • You are on the morning work shift, or the class will be early.
  • You are under medication
  • You will meet your family member earlier in the morning for breakfast.


Go for a non-alcoholic Drink.

You could bring sodas or non-alcoholic drinks with you if you plan to meet up with your friends. This will help since it is less likely to be offered a drink if you already have one for yourself.


Pretend you are drinking

If you are okay with holding alcohol but not drinking it, you can nurse it gradually; when your friends are not looking, you can pour it in the bathroom or offer it to friends to try. You could also pretend that you are sipping over time to make an impression you have swallowed multiple times.


Be Frank

If you are planning not to drink for a long time or have a group of trusted friends, you can be honest with them because excuses might only work in the short term but not in the long run.


Talk to the Bartender

Talking with the bartender can be relieving, especially if you are not planning to get drunk. The bartender serves everyone, and no one will suspect you are having a different drink from alcohol. Instead of you being served vodka coke, you could request a coke. These two drinks look alike; no one will suspect a thing.


Own your ‘No’

No one needs an explanation, whether you are telling the truth or just making an excuse. If you don’t feel like explaining yourself, you can give it a ‘No’ and leave it at that point. After all, you are being yourself; it is not like you are policing peoples’ drinking habits.


Be the one to drive

In a group, you can choose to be the designated driver; this is vital, especially when you are out for a drink. Everyone needs to be cautious when driving on the road for safety measures. If you decide to be the one driving the team, it will be easy for you to say ‘No’ to drink because it will be an act of precaution.


Change the topic

It is prevalent for a drunk person, be it a friend or a random individual, to come trying to convince us to drink or vomiting words out. Especially when you are not drinking, they ask you why. If you are not interested in the conversation, choose to change the subject.

You should not drink for many reasons if it’s a personal choice. It is always up to you to choose when to be open or not. You can also have a great time with friends and family without involving yourself in drinking like the rest.

However, you can be tempted to try a little even after your rehabilitation process at New Horizon. If this is the case, just visit the New Horizon Counseling Center for the recovery process of your addiction.


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