June 2022


After doing the mandatory hard work throughout the time of your treatment for your addiction issues, there will come a time when you have to take yourself off from rehab. In your process of getting better, it will be your responsibility to stand guard on your recovery and avoid deterioration. There are several ways you...
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The first step to creating a fellowship is finding the people you relate to in life. Often, people who have a problem with substance use associate with others like them, and creating a community contrary to their isolation. They differentiate themselves from sober people and even have a name for such people called ‘normies’. That...
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Vaping has quickly become a widespread practice among teens and some older people. However, because 99% of vapes contain nicotine, it is very addictive, making users slowly dependent on vaping. This eventually causes health problems and disrupts the user’s social life. If you or a person in your life is struggling with this substance abuse...
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Time for the peak of summer means countless hours spent by the pool and on any other activities that involve being outside. While this is certainly a great way to spend the season, it often comes with its own set of challenges. For many people, summer also means when they feel inclined to indulge in...
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Addiction and compulsive behaviors share some familiar features, but they are not the same. Both involve losing control, obsessive thoughts, and continued use despite negative consequences. Compulsive behavior is defined as repetitive, ritualistic behavior that a person feels compelled to do. This could include behaviors like skin picking, hair pulling, excessive hand-washing, or anything else...
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