10 Tips for Managing Depression This Fall and Winter

Depression is a severe medical illness that can be difficult to manage. It affects 12-20% of the population annually or about 1 in every five people. Depression doesn’t have to be debilitating; it simply means you’re feeling sad or lacking energy. Here are ten tips from New Horizon Counseling Center for managing depression this fall and winter.


  1. Identify your depression triggers.

What specific events or situations tend to trigger your depression? Sometimes it’s just a particular time, such as when winter weather sets in.


  1. Avoid drinking too much alcohol or using drugs and medications.

If you struggle with depression and drink alcohol or use drugs, you must avoid doing so when you are depressed. Alcohol and drugs can cause you to feel restless and anxious, making you more depressed.


  1. Get enough sleep and exercise every day.

Not getting enough sleep or exercising regularly can lead to feelings of depression as well as several other health issues.


  1. Depression medication.

If you have tried the lifestyle changes in Tips #1-3 above and are still struggling with these depressed feelings, talk to your doctor about depression medication or visit the New Horizon Counseling Center.


  1. Learn ways to manage medication side effects.

Certain medications for depression may cause side effects such as insomnia, agitation, and anxiety. If your drug causes these side effects, talk to your doctor about how to manage them.


  1. Consider adding a new activity or hobby into your life.

Adding something new into your routine can help distract you from negative feelings and enhance your mood. Examples include volunteering, taking up a new hobby, or purchasing a new electronic device.


  1. Learn self-care skills.

A natural way to manage depression is by learning skills to help you cope with and prevent bouts of sadness and anxiety. These skills include recognizing and soothing your feelings.


  1. Focus on the positive.

When we’re experiencing these depressed feelings, we often lose sight of the bigger picture in our lives. But focusing on what’s going well for you can improve your self-esteem and mood.


  1. Plan for the future.

When depressed, it can be easy to dwell on our worries about the future and miss out on now-present opportunities and experiences. Try to learn from your past experiences to avoid making the same mistakes again in the future.


  1. Find support from family members or friends.

It can be challenging to come out and tell others that you are struggling with these feelings. However, it’s essential to know that there are people in your life who care about you and will help you cope if you let them.


If you are suffering from depression and looking for resources to help you, there are many support organizations, such as New Horizon Counseling Center.  Also, remember that no matter how severe your depression is, there are things that you can do to manage your condition and help you feel better.

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