10 Sober Activities – Yes, You Can Do These Without Alcohol

There is always the possibility that you’ll find yourself in a situation with no alcohol or mixed drinks available. You can do many sober activities to fill your time and fuel your creativity. New Horizon Counseling Center has taken the time to compile a list of heavy activities you can do anywhere. You are limited only by your imagination!


  1. Clean up your area.

Any time you find yourself with extra time and energy, you can always perform small tasks that help keep the people around you organized and happy. Wash dishes, sweep sidewalks, vacuum, dust, etc. Wash your car and make sure it is clean for new people who will be visiting you soon.


  1. Road Trip

Let’s admit it, most of us want a road trip when we are in trouble. Traveling is good for the mind, body, and soul. I can recommend visiting another state or two (or more), maybe even out of the country. Visit interesting places, learn about new cultures and get away from everything you know until you feel free.


  1. Play Sports

Sports are a great way to spend time with friends, socialize and work up a sweat. When you are sober, sports can help you get away from your problems for at least a few hours. Find a sport that appeals to you and learn it – there is nothing more satisfying than improving your skill (or figure) as you play.


  1. Explore Nature

Take the time to appreciate the natural beauty of your area. For many of us, Nature is a place we escape to when we have time. Being in Nature is calming for everyone. Enjoy the sounds of Nature, sit by a stream or lake, and listen to the rushing water. Sit under a tree and watch insects do their business, or go for a walk in your local park.


  1. Exercise

Exercise is excellent for the body and the mind. New Horizon Counseling Center implies that when you are sober, you have time to learn a new sport, go for a run, or take your favorite sport to the next level. Exercise gives you energy, improves sleep, and makes you feel great about yourself. Find an activity that appeals to you and work on making it a regular part of your life. Everyone needs exercise to keep healthy.


There isn’t anything wrong with trying to find sober activities while doing ordinary things in your day. New Horizon Counseling Center can help you find suitable activities for you. They make sure that you have a solid foundation of recovery before trying to go back out into the “real world.”

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