12 Tips For Caring For Elderly Parents At Home

New Horizon Counseling Center is an education and care provider for all, including individuals aged 60 and older and their families in New York. Elderly parents can be a caregiver’s biggest challenge. To help you care for your aging parents, we offer these tips on keeping your sanity when caring for them at home.

(1) Managing the Stress
There is a great deal of stress associated with caring for your elderly parents. It helps to ask for help if you need it, so don’t hesitate to call in your friends and family for help. You may even need to consider hiring a professional caregiver if you have neither the time nor energy to continue on your own.

(2) Time management
Staying organized is essential in the care of your elderly parents at home. Set aside a block of time each day to take care of your responsibilities. It will help you manage the various activities that need to be done, preventing you from feeling overwhelmed by the pressure.

(3) Communicate and be open with your parents.
It’s important to talk to your parents about what they want. Make sure you discuss the goals and needs of their living situation. You may need to compromise, so everyone is satisfied, but open communication will help your relationship with your aging parents.

(4) Exercise regularly
Exercise releases endorphins, which are natural feel-good chemicals in the body. It will help reduce stress and anxiety from caring for your elderly parents. New Horizon Counseling Center recommends at least 30 minutes a day to achieve optimal benefits.

(5) Eat right
The right food is essential to a healthy body, and your elderly parents should eat healthy meals to help them maintain a sound immune system. New Horizon Counseling Center suggests balancing food groups to avoid vitamin deficiencies, which may lead to illness.

(6) Avoid over-medicating
Elderly parents are prone to taking too many medications. It would help if you took the time to list all the medications and develop a plan of action to ensure they do not take unnecessary medication or double up on doses. Be sure that your parent’s doctor is aware of any changes in their condition.

(7. Manage finances wisely.
Your elderly parents may need financial assistance, and you may be requested to provide care for them in your own home. Be sure you know your parents’ assets and the associations that hold their retirement accounts.

(6 Time for yourself
It’s essential to take time away from your elderly parents to care for yourself. You’ll need to take time out of your day for personal care and relaxation to avoid becoming ill with caregiver stress.

(7) Get Help From Others Who Care For An Elderly Parent At Home.
New Horizon Counseling Center wants to help anyone who cares for an elderly parent at home. If you would like to learn more about what New Horizon Counseling Center can do for you, the first step is to call 916-878-6888.

8. Understanding the Independence of Aging
Many studies have shown how an individual life after retirement has a profound effect on their health, quality of life, and even their chances of survival. In fact, Aging is associated with a wide array of health conditions and comorbidities such as depression, anxiety, cardiovascular disease, arthritis and decreased mobility.

(9) Acceptance of your aging parents.
Admit that it will be hard to accept your aging parents as they age and need help. New Horizon Counseling Center wants people to be honest with themselves about the situation to help prepare for the future.

(10) Planning your long-term care plan.
Your long-term care plan should be something everyone should make sure they have. It will ensure a good quality of life as you grow older and need care at home or assisted living facilities.

(11) Being prepared for the future.
By setting goals for yourself, you prepare for what may happen in the future. Don’t let your aging parents take over all of your time and energy. Stop and enjoy life now to live a happy and healthy life into retirement.

(12) Sharing care with family, friends, or loved ones.
Most people want the help of loved ones when it comes to caring for their aging parents at home. New horizon wants you to be prepared and know that their assistance will make your life easier, but it will also make your aging parent’s life happier.

New Horizon Counseling Center suggests that to better care for your aging parents at home, it’s best to communicate with them. Make sure you are open and honest about what you need to properly care for your aging parents. A good relationship is critical, and with open communication and a caring attitude, you will be able to live a happy and healthy life into retirement once you rely with New Horizon Counseling Center.


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