Alzheimer’s & Dementia Care Tips for Everyday Tasks

Taking care of a loved one with Alzheimer’s and dementia is no easy task. Every need requires patience and flexibility to avoid frustration and stress. Working with centers like New Horizon Counseling Center makes caring for your loved ones much easier. The following tips will make your time taking care of your loved one much easier and more rewarding.

1. Create a routine

People with Alzheimer’s and dementia need a fixed and consistent routine. Creating these routines reduces anxiety and keeps things simple and easy to remember. Make sure your loved one gets to sleep and wakes up around the same time every day. If the patient is having trouble sticking to the routine, do not force them to do anything they do not want to, be flexible and accommodate their wishes.


2. Write down a to-do list

Scheduling is important for people living with Alzheimer’s and dementia. Write down appointments and events in easy-to-access places like notebooks, whiteboards, and blackboards. You can make several options for the patient to choose from. People with Alzheimer’s may take longer getting tasks done, so allocate more time for activities.


3. Create a friendly environment

Alzheimer’s and dementia impairs the patient’s judgment and problem-solving skills, which means they are vulnerable to accidents. Create an environment that reduces the risk of falling and injuring themselves by;

  • Installing locks
  • Keeping toxic material in locked spaces
  • Keeping hot items away 

In addition, you need to install fire prevention measures like smoke detectors and keeping matches and lighters away. If your loved one smokes, you need to watch them when they are taking a smoke to make sure they do not accidentally start a fire.

People with Dementia and Alzheimer’s are prone to burns from hot water and iron boxes, so they should not be allowed unsupervised access to these items. If your loved one has trouble keeping themselves upright, invest in a walker and sturdy chair for bathing.


4. Create an individualized care routine

Each patient is different. They experience different symptoms and progress differently, so it is imperative to create a care routine that works for everyone in the home.


5. Keep their memory alive

Keeping photos of loved ones around the house helps patients with Alzheimer’s and dementia will help them remember people and places they have been to. If they do not remember, calmly remind them by recounting the event’s details.


      The bottom line

New Horizon Counseling Center is a great place to get ahead of Alzheimer’s and dementia by getting professional help. All patients at New Horizon get the best care in a serene setting. You can count on the highly experienced New Horizon staff to get you on the road to high-quality living even with Dementia or Alzheimer’s.

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