Tips for Getting the Most Out of Group Therapy

Group therapy can be an incredibly effective way to treat various mental health issues. However, it can also be quite intimidating for those who have never participated before. New Horizon Counseling Center is a great place to start when looking for group therapy to treat substance abuse. We are licensed by the NYS Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse. This blog post will discuss some tips for getting the most out of group therapy.


1) You are not alone.

Group therapy is all about sharing your thoughts and feelings with others. It can be scary, but it is also very beneficial. New horizon has a great team that will help guide you through the process of group therapy. Many people feel nervous or embarrassed about attending group therapy, but it is important to remember that everyone in the group is there for the same reason: to get better. There is no need to be ashamed or embarrassed about your mental health issues. Everyone in the group will be understanding and supportive.


2) Be an active participant.

Being active means more than just showing up to each session; it means actively engaging with the other group members and with the therapist leading the sessions. Don’t be afraid to share your thoughts and feelings with the group, and listen carefully to what others say. It includes both the therapist leading the sessions and the other group members.


3) Find a therapist that you feel comfortable with.

New Horizon has a team of highly skilled and experienced therapists, so you are sure to find someone that you feel comfortable with. It is important that you feel safe and supported to get the most out of therapy. It would help if you felt comfortable enough with the therapist leading the sessions to share your thoughts and feelings openly.


4) Be open-minded

New Horizon offers various types of group therapy, so it is important to be open-minded when choosing a group to join. There are groups for those struggling with substance abuse, depression, and anxiety. It is important to find a group that you feel comfortable with that will address your specific needs. You may also not always agree with what others in the group say, but it is important to respect their opinions and experiences.



New Horizon Counseling Center is a great place to start when looking for group therapy. We offer a variety of groups that meet at different times throughout the week. You can view our complete list of groups on our website. If you are unsure which group would be right for you, our intake counselors can help you choose the best option based on your individual needs.

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