10 Health Benefits of Getting Clean from Drugs and Alcohol

People have been taking drugs and drinking alcohol for centuries now. Whether it’s because they are celebrating a special occasion or need to escape reality, many people feel an overwhelming urge to use these substances. Unfortunately, they are not aware of this behavior’s serious risks. New Horizon Counseling Center understands that drug and alcohol use can seriously impact your health.


Ten health benefits of getting clean from drugs and alcohol


  1. Lower your risk of contracting bacterial, viral, and parasitic infections. The risk of getting a life-threatening illness is higher if you continue abusing drugs or alcohol. For example, viruses like hepatitis C are becoming more prevalent among substance abusers.


  1. Keep your mind clear and reduce the risk of developing brain damage. Drugs and alcohol increase blood flow to the brain, leading to an increased risk of seizures or strokes, among other serious health problems. In addition, one may compromise a person’s mental health if they continue using these two substances. New Horizon Counseling Center knows how to treat mental health issues and help you achieve your long-term goals!


  1. Reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke. The increased blood flow to the brain caused by drugs or alcohol can lead to a stroke or heart attack. In addition, people who take drugs and alcohol are more likely to have a high blood pressure than average, which is an important risk factor for heart disease.


  1. Keep your body weight in an acceptable range by quitting drug and alcohol abuse. New Horizon knows that using these substances can cause weight gain in many cases. The body will use more energy to produce more blood in the body because of the increased blood flow.


  1. Reduce your risk of contracting HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. The risk of contracting HIV is higher among drug abusers than those who do not take drugs or alcohol recreationally.


  1. Enhance your memory and mental capacity. Users of drugs and alcohol often experience changes in the brain, specifically the hippocampus, which is responsible for forming new memories. The hippocampus is also responsible for learning, but it can lead to permanent memory loss if it is damaged through drug or alcohol use.


  1. Improve your immune system health. Substance abusers often have low levels of immune system cells that fight off infections like colds and flu. New horizon helps you keep your immune system healthy, which is essential for preventing all illnesses.


  1. Improve your mood and reduce anxiety, stress, and depression. Substance abuse can cause these problems to worsen over time and symptoms of addiction itself.


  1. Improve your sleep habits and improve your physical fitness level. Many health problems associated with substance abuse are caused by poor overall health, so it is crucial to exercise regularly to maintain good physical fitness.


  1. Regain control of your life by overcoming addiction. It can be difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle if you use drugs or alcohol, but it is far more difficult to live a healthy, drug-free life if you struggle with addiction.


Drug and alcohol abuse affects every area of someone’s life. The effects of addiction can be long-lasting and serious, so you need to seek professional help as soon as possible if you experience any of these symptoms. New Horizon offers drug treatments and is here to help you on the path to recovery. 

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