Five Signs of a Functional Alcoholic

Five Signs of a Functional Alcoholic

Many people can drink alcohol without any problems, but alcohol can become a problem for some. Alcoholism is a disease that affects the brain and how a person thinks, feels, and acts. There are different types of alcoholism, including functional and chronic. Functional alcoholism is when a person has all the symptoms of alcoholism but can still maintain their responsibilities, such as work and family life. This blog post will discuss five signs of a functional alcoholic.

If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol addiction, please reach out to New Horizon Counseling Center.

         1. You drink to relax or relieve stress

One sign of a functional alcoholic is when they drink to relieve stress. “I don’t consider myself an alcoholic,” said one functional alcoholic when describing his drinking habits, “but I do like the occasional cocktail or glass of wine after work to help me relax.” Many people drink alcohol as a stress reliever, but for a functional alcoholic, this becomes a habit. If you find yourself drinking more alcohol than usual to relieve stress, it may be time to seek help, and New Horizon Counseling Center’s Recovery Program can help.


        2. You hide your drinking from others

One sign of a functional alcoholic is when they hide their drinking from others.
“I’ll have a few beers after work, but I don’t want my wife to know because she’s already stressed out enough,” said another functional alcoholic in an interview. Functional alcoholics often try to keep their drinking hidden from friends and family members because they are ashamed or afraid of what others will think. If you’re hiding your drinking from others, it’s a sign that you need help.


        3. You feel guilty or ashamed after drinking

Another sign of a functional alcoholic is feeling guilty or ashamed after drinking.
“I know I shouldn’t be drinking because I’m already overweight,” said one functional alcoholic, “but I can’t help but drink when I’m stressed out.” Many alcoholics feel guilty or ashamed after they drink, and for functional alcoholics, this is often the case. If you feel guilty or ashamed after drinking, it’s time to seek help.


        4. You black out or forget what you did while drunk

One sign that you may have a problem with alcoholism is blacking out or forgetting what you did while drunk.  “I don’t remember anything after I had a few drinks at the party,” said one functional alcoholic. Blacking out is a common occurrence for many alcoholics, including functional alcoholics. If you can’t remember what you did after drinking, it may be time to seek professional help.


        5. You can’t control how much you drink

The final sign of a functional alcoholic is that they can’t control how much they drink. “I know I shouldn’t be drinking, but I can’t help it,” said one functional alcoholic, “I just keep drinking until I pass out.” Many functional alcoholics can’t limit their drinking, which often leads to problem drinking. If you can’t control how much you drink, it’s time to seek help.


In conclusion, if you or someone you know is exhibiting any of the five signs of a functional alcoholic, it’s time to seek help. Alcoholism is a severe disease that can have devastating consequences if left untreated. New Horizon Counseling Center provides addiction counseling and treatment for all types of alcohol addiction. Contact us today to learn more about our programs and how we can help.

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