What To Do If an Adolescent is Abusing Drugs & Alcohol

Teens and adolescents are at a vulnerable stage of development. They need to be able to trust their parents and adults in order to feel safe enough to share what they’re going through, even with something like abusing drugs and alcohol. Be open with them about your own experiences so that they can see you as someone who understands, not someone who is judging or lecturing them about the dangers of a teen abusing drugs and alcohol.

Addiction is difficult to overcome, which is why, as a parent, you must be open and honest with your teen and provide them with the best guidance and support you can; below, we will discuss what to do as a parent if your teen is abusing drugs and alcohol.


1. Be close and open with your teen

As a parent, you can show and tell your teen that you’re there for them and want to help however you can. This creates a trusting relationship that can be beneficial in the event that your teen does need to talk about their addiction. It is also important to keep communication open even if your teen doesn’t want to talk about the issue of drugs and alcohol. Let them know that you’re always available to talk, and be sure to respect their privacy.


2. Show that you disapprove of drug and alcohol abuse

It is important for your teen to know that you disapprove of drug and alcohol abuse. This can be communicated in a variety of ways, such as through your actions, words, or expressions. You don’t need to scream or yell at your teen, but a simple statement like, “I don’t want you to use drugs and alcohol because I love you and care about your safety,” will let them know that you’re serious.


3. Get professional help

If you feel like your teen is being influenced by drugs and alcohol, you should seek professional help immediately. Teens can often become resistant or rebellious when dealing with a parent, and this can lead to a worsening addiction that could have been prevented. If you want to help your kid, then you should contact New Horizon Counseling Center. New Horizon Counseling Center can help with addiction issues, including alcoholism.


What services does New Horizon offer for teens that abuse drugs and alcohol?


DWI Program for Teens

This is a great program for people who have been arrested and charged with a DWI. You will learn about your illness, how to manage it, and how to prevent the consequences of your drinking.


Adolescent Services: Ages 13-18

New Horizon offers a great program for teens who are abusing drugs and alcohol. They will address the root reasons for your addiction, teach you how to spot patterns that lead to drug and alcohol abuse, and teach you how to manage your drug and alcohol cravings.


Drug & Alcohol Education

If your teen or adolescent is currently attending high school and abusing drugs and alcohol, this program can teach them about the dangers of it. They will learn about the legal and health risks, as well as how to resist peer pressure.

New Horizon Counseling Center is a great place for adolescents who are abusing drugs & alcohol. They have experienced staff that is always there to help you find out what to do, help your teen break the cycle of abuse, learn how to better manage their addiction, and prevent future consequences associated with drug and alcohol abuse among teenagers.

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